Saturday, June 29, 2013

Coalition Wild: Editing!

After hours and hours of setting up, filming, laying out clip ideas, writing segments and questions, uploading, downloading, importing, exporting, etc., we are finally into the editing stage of the video! 

The editing is taking much longer than we had expected, but we are still making steady progress. 

To date we are about 3 minutes in, which  is only about 1/5 of the way though the video we have. After this, we are finishing with the transitions, titles, music, relevancy and more. 

With only 2 more days until we need to upload the video, club members are definitely feeling the pressure. We know that this project will be amazing once it is finished, and worth the late hours of work.

Editing screen - making progress! 

Friday, June 28, 2013

Coalition Wild: Planning and Development

The video process is underway! 

We have high hopes for our video, from creating and finishing the video all before July 1st, to filming interviews with local superstars such as Jackson Mayor Mark Barron, Jackson Hole Energy Sustainability Project Executive Director Shelly Simonton, the Education and Outreach Coordinator at the Recycling Center, and many more. 

If you haven't heard about SFS's video entry, check out the 'Coalition Wild: Video Contest!' Entry.

Filming is now underway, and it looks as if we're getting the hang of it! Thankfully we do have the experienced club members helping with video production. 

Mac Dukart, Education and Outreach Coordinator at the Jackson Hole Recycling Center

SFS members Elsa and Carson, setting up video equipment for interviews 

SFS President Mackenzie 

An interview with SFS member Carson

SFS Co-Vice President Elsa 

Check out the Coalition Wild website and Facebook!

- Karli 

Coalition Wild: Video contest

New projects are up and coming for SFS! One huge project that we are in the final stages of is creating a video entry for the Coalition Wild contest. 

If you don't know what Coalition Wild is, it's basically a contest for people under the age of 30 to show their ideas on how to create a 'Wilder world'. You can enter via video, essay, poem, any medium you choose. 

SFS was contacted by Crista Valentino from the Murie Center encouraging us to enter, and we decided that the possible prize for winning is completely worth our time. 

The contest is over the first of July, and winners are announced on the 15th. Two winners are chosen and are sent on an all expense paid trip to Salamanca, Spain, to present to the 10th annual World Wilderness Congress in October of 2013. Even though we thoroughly  do not expect to win, having a video that we have made on our own, on our club, is amazing to have and share. 

We decided that the best topic we could talk about would be plastic consumption and reduction in Jackson Hole. This is because we have worked on projects such as the plastic bag project, removing plastic water bottles from the high school lunch line, to implementing the water bottle fillers on the water fountains that record the amount of plastic bottles that you are offsetting with reusable bottles. 

Because the video is due so soon, we are on a pretty tight time schedule. Luckily we have a club member, Carson, who is a very talented video producer and editor who took the job as our Director of Photography. We also have 4 club members who are part of the Digital Media and Communications class at the high school, who have experience filming, editing, and uploading videos. 

We are also going to create a kick-starter account to promote our video and hopefully raise some money to fund our projects. 

Check out the Coalition Wild Facebook page and website!!

Check out the Murie Center!!

Friday, June 21, 2013

Chasing Ice!

Students for Sustainability went to the Chasing Ice premier March 21st, 2013. Not only did we get to view the story of the retreating ice, but we were lucky enough to sit in on a Q&A session with James Balog, the main character in the Chasing Ice story. The video is very moving and puts environmental issues into perspective.

Our ticket signed "For Students For Sustainability, James Balog" 

I fully recommend watching the video! Check it out!