Sunday, September 22, 2013


The school year has begun! With this comes the usual course loads and extra time commitment of all the students, but also some eager new freshman excited to joing the SFS team.

As for our summer projects:

Powershift 2013:
       We are still fundraising for powershift. There are now 9 students traveling to the conference, 6 of whom are SFS members. The other 3 are not with Jackson Hole High School. We are selling raffle tickets and recieving personal donations. The fundraising has now become an "action item" for the Teton County School Board, for which I am a student representative. In the past the board has been incredibly supportive of the actions of our club.

Water bottle project:
       Fundraising for the water bottle fillers is now underway, the local forest service is gathering funding information at this time. The process is slow, but hopefully the fillers will be installed soon.

Up and coming projects:
      Carbon Neutral JH:
             A post with greater detail about this project will be posted soon, but the general overview is that the local airport is the only airport in a national park, and SFS is partnering with Jonathan Schechter in order to accumulate signatures which he will present to the town council and county commision in order to turn the airport carbon neutral. If you would like to see Jonathan's article in the newspaper that mentions this project, check it out here!